pyRiemann-qiskit: Qiskit wrapper for pyRiemannΒΆ

pyRiemann-qiskit is a Qiskit wrapper around pyRiemann. It allows to use quantum classification with Riemannian geometry.

pyRiemann-qiskit provides through Qiskit:

  • a sandbox to experiments quantum computing;

  • a way to leverage situations where classical computing failed or terminates in exponential times;

  • an abstraction layer on the quantum backend: run your algorithm on either your local or a real quantum machine;

  • a way to encode EEG/MEG data into a quantum state;

  • a way to measure quantum bit into classical bits.

A typical use case would be to use vectorized covariance matrices in tangent space as an input for quantum classifiers. You could also try the quantum version of the MDM algorithm.

For a brief introduction to the ideas behind the package, you can read the introductory notes. More practical information is on the installation page. You may also want to browse the example gallery to get a sense for what you can do with pyRiemann-qiskit and API reference to find out how.

To see the code or report a bug, please visit the github repository.